Kalligrafie: Gegenseitiges Anerkennen

Zur Kalligraphie: Der arabische Text im Kreis lautet „IDRAKA MUTABADIL“ (Gegenseitiges Anerkennen)

seeing each another
A calligraphy exhibition that inspires!

Sensual and moving: discover the art of calligraphy in an unusual interfaith exhibition with works by calligraphy artist Shahid Alam. Immerse yourself in the beauty of calligraphy, dialogue and encounter.

“The Beauty of God in Calligraphy” will reach people’s hearts and open up intercultural and interreligious meeting spaces.

From 5 to 30 November

in the Matthäuskirche, Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 33, 60327 Frankfurt am Main (between the main railway station and the trade fair)

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. closed on Mondays

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!) License code: FJH8EFANVRRIB7TT


Schon vorher von Montag, 30. Oktober bis Samstag, 4. November: Pre-View für Gruppen!

Jetzt schon Anfragen für vielfältige Entdeckungs-Möglichkeiten vor Ort mit persönlichen Führungen, die Kunst der Kalligraphie kennenlernen und selbst ausprobieren – von und mit dem Kalligraphie-Künstler Shahid Alam!

Zwei Stunden-Zeitfenster kostenfrei (!) buchen in der Zeit von Montag, den 30. Oktober bis Samstag, den 4. November zwischen 9.00 und 21.00 Uhr für Menschen aller Altersstufen: Kindergartengruppen, Schulklassen ab Grundschule bis Oberstufe, Betriebsausflug, Gemeindegruppen, Pfarrkonvente, Erwachsenenbildung.

The Artist Shahid Alam

Shahid Alam was born in Lahore, Pakistan. Members of his family have been calligraphers for many generations. At an early age of four years, Alam himself began to write Arabic letters. At the Catholic Franciscans school in Lahore, he followed his ambition in the calligraphy course.

In 1973, Shahid Alam came to Germany to study pedagogy, art, politics and European science at the universities of Dortmund and Aachen. For twenty years he taught in several schools in Germany and Pakistan. Since 1996 he has been working as an artist in Stolberg, a city close to Aachen.

The art of calligraphy has a special meaning for Shahid Alam. He is fascinated by the great potential of the Arabic letters and the possibilities of innovation that they offer to a calligrapher.

After forty years of work as an artist he is still amazed by the complex options of joining different Arabic letters with each other. Letters get “married” to each other, losing their individual form to became part of a much wider picture, a new art, a sculpture of letters.

This unique art unites the mind, word and lettering to something completely new. With this graphic and atmospheric arrangement of the word-picture Alam creates works of extraordinary plasticity and visual power. And out of this well balanced picture he creates structural shapes.

The cultural and religious diversity of his homeland, Pakistan and the political and economical differences have a big influence on Shahid Alam’s life and work. With the beauty of Arabic calligraphy, Alam wants to support inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue and encourage a way of mutual understanding.

Bild Shahid Alam

Shahid Alam
Atelier Kunst und Kultur
Untere Donnerbergstr. 55 b
52222 Stolberg

Phone: 02402-9738668
Mobile: 0151-52540903



Visitor Information


Evangelische Matthäuskirche
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 33
60327 Frankfurt am Main
(between the main railway station and the trade fair)


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Der interreligiös aufgestellte Trägerkreis dieser Ausstellung sind die Evangelische Hoffnungsgemeinde Frankfurt a. M., der Rat der Religionen in Frankfurt a.M., die Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit (GCJZ) Frankfurt a. M, das Bosniakisches Kulturzentrum (BKC), Frankfurt a. M. und das „Interreligiöse Forum“ im Bahnhofsviertel.

Wir danken herzlich allen, die durch ihre Unterstützung diese Ausstellung möglich machen.